由韩国半导体先进企业以20多年的无数投资和心血凝结而成的名牌—— Discrete 半导体, 一瞬间成为美国所有,为了重建昔日辉煌, 联合拥有雄厚资金基础的 Know-How建立了 SemiHow。
SemiHow是以在先进半导体技术和中国奠定的高品质生产为基础…以中国企业坚实的 Partnership为武器, 与 Partner一起用其他企业无法抗衡的竞争力,扩大中国市场的 Market企业.
SemiHow was founded on the basis of Know-How accumulated for a long time in order to recover the reputation of Korean discrete semiconductor business that has been lasting more than 20year, but handed over to USA at one moment.
SemiHow is based in Korea for advanced semiconductor technology and China for high quality production, with reliable partnership with them, has unique competitive power that China company can’t imitate, and mainly focusing on China market.
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